What Owners Can Do To Help Their Dogs Loose Weight
Obesity is a killer
condition that is not only prevalent among humans, but among our furry
four-legged friends as well. There is no way these animals can watch their
weight or control how much they eat. That entirely depends on the owner.
Arthritis, reduced cardiac function and hair loss are some of the diseases that
are associated with obesity. As the old adage goes, ‘an ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure’. Here are some of the possible ways you can save your
pet from obesity.

Limit Snacks
A dog owners greatest weakness is the infamous ‘puppy face’ that dogs are so clever at using when they need something from you or if they want their job done. This is most often seen in the case of ‘food’. As an owner, you need to make sure that you don’t encourage excessive snacking for your pet and make sure you limit snacks/jerkies for special occasions or while you are training them. Even if your dog is fond of snacking between meals, you could replace the regular biscuit or jerky with something a little more nutritious, like pieces of fruit or the satiety diet by Royal Canine.
Play More, Exercise More!
Dogs are social animals and need to be constantly engaged and exercised to avoid lethargy setting in. Depending on the breed of your dog, the age and the size, you could mold the exercises to suit the requirements of your dogs. You could try games that involve fetching, running, obstacle training, puzzles, digging and hunting. The bottom line is, your pet needs to have ample exercise and not be overly worked or tired before or after meals.
Modify Their Diets
Though it may be great to feed your dog meat and egg, it shouldn’t be the only source of all their nutrition. Like humans, dogs too need to have balanced diets. Talk to your veterinarian and include a rich variety of carbs, proteins (meats, lentils and egg), vegetables and dairy for proper bone and muscle growth. Giving your dog an overdose of proteins or fatty foods could lead to unwanted and rapid accumulation of fat in dogs and could slow their metabolism down. Keep your pets hydrated through the day and make sure they get at least 2 square meals in a day.
The key to a happy
and healthy life for your pet rests in your hands. Feed them right, exercise
them enough and fight obesity together.
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In : diet
Tags: dogs weight pet care healmobile dog care